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Template method pattern - prevent direct method calls in derived classes

I'm not sure if I understand template method pattern correctly.

Here is my simplified base class implementation:

public abstract class AlgorithmBase
    protected void AlgorithmMethod()



    protected abstract bool OnSimulationStart();
    protected abstract bool DoSomeStep();
    protected abstract void OnSimulationEnd(bool result);

As far as I understand it, base class knows algorithm flow and manages it. The problem is that in real project I have many abstract methods and it would be nice if I could somehow prevent direct calling them in derived classes. It is unreadable when more than one class manages algorithm flow.


  • A trick based on explicit implementation of an interface can be used to prevent accidental invokes of method required by the base algorith implementation. However, it's such a safety measure, which can be broken, but the chances are high that the developer would know what he would be doing.

    An interface declaring methods required by AlgorithmMethod:

    public interface IAlgorithmMethodImpl
        bool OnSimulationStart();
        bool DoSomeStep();
        void OnSimulationEnd(bool result);

    Base abstract class that uses this interface, passed into its constructor, to call required methods:

    public abstract class AlgorithmBase
        protected AlgorithmBase(IAlgorithmMethodImpl impl)
            Impl = impl;
        // can be a property reasonable cases; however, a field 
        // fits well into our scenario
        private IAlgorithmMethodImpl Impl; 
        protected void AlgorithmMethod()
        // no abstract method declarations here — they are provided by 'Impl'

    Then the specific algorithm class that inherits from AlgorithmBase uses explicit interface implementation to encapsulate implementation of the necessary methods (like with abstract methods declared in the base) class while preventing them being invoked accidentally:

    public class MySuperAlgorithm : AlgorithmBase, IAlgorithmMethodImpl
        public MySuperAlgorithm()
            // pass a reference to this instance as the class 
            // that implements the required methods
            : base(this) 
        // explicit implementation of IAlgorithmMethodImpl
        bool IAlgorithmMethodImpl.OnSimulationStart() { ... implementation ... }
        bool IAlgorithmMethodImpl.DoSomeStep() { ... implementation ... }
        void IAlgorithmMethodImpl.OnSimulationEnd(bool result) { ... implementation ... }

    The advantage of this approch — besides preventing accidental invoking of implementation methods — is that you can choose whether encapsulate the implementation in the descendant, or to decompose it into a separate class.