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The type ExceptionPolicyImpl has multiple constructors of length 2. Unable to disambiguate

I've a WCF service configured with Enterprise Library 5 "Logging Application Block", "Validation Application Block Integration with WCF" and "Exception Handling Application Block WCF Provider" and configured it using fluent API like this:

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Preventing Enterprise Library Validation Block exceptions from getting shielded.
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            .GivenPolicyWithName("WCF Exception Shielding")

            // -----------------------------------------------------
            // Shielding unhandled exceptions
            // -----------------------------------------------------
            .LogToCategory("My Logging Category")
            .ShieldExceptionForWcf(typeof(ServiceUnhandledFault), Resources.UnhandledException_ErrorMessage)

Service Implementation:

[ExceptionShielding("WCF Exception Shielding")]
public interface IMyService
    void InsertEntity(MyEntity file);

[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)]
public partial class MyService : IMyService { ...Implementation... }

If I set the "IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults" property of my service debug behavior to false and call a service operation with an entity that won't validate correctly the following exception will be thrown in the service:

Microsoft.Practices.Unity.ResolutionFailedException: Resolution of the dependency failed, type = "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionPolicyImpl", name = "WCF Exception Shielding". Exception occurred while: while resolving. Exception is: InvalidOperationException - The type ExceptionPolicyImpl has multiple constructors of length 2. Unable to disambiguate.

But if I set the IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to true a validation fault will be returned to the client.

Does anybody know what I'm missing?


  • Looks like you are trying to configure Ent Lib with Fluent API approach. I had similar error when I was trying configure Ent Lib with BOTH configuration files (web.config) and fluent api. If yes, you might try removing the config file variables and do only with fluent api. I found that this resolved the error for me. Let me know how it goes.