i have written the following two mixins:
@mixin textcolor($hexvaltxt, $opacitytxt: 1.0){
color: $hexvaltxt;
color: rgba($hexvaltxt, $opacitytxt);
@mixin boxcolor($hexvalbox, $opacitybox: 1.0){
background-color: $hexvalbox;
background-color: rgba($hexvalbox, $opacitybox);
basically i enter a hexvalue and in return i get a fallback color as hexvalue as well as a rgba value. basically based on what i have read the rgba function of compass should convert the hexvalue and the opacity into a rgba value. but when i call my mixin:
.maintitle {
@include textcolor($sectionhead);
$sectionhead has #3f3e3e as value. then i get the following output:
.maintitle {
color: #3f3e3e;
color: #3f3e3e; }
instead of showing one hex and one rgba value i get only the same hex value twice. :/ isnt the conversion provided anymore or am i doing something completely wrong? as a side note i am running the latest compass (0.12.2) and sass (3.2.1). best regards ralf
is completely opaque, so I am guessing Sass just leaves it as is since that would be optimal for backwards compatibility. If I change the second argument to .8
, I get this output:
.maintitle {
color: #3f3e3e;
color: rgba(63, 62, 62, 0.8);