I'm learning the Scrum Process. For the order of events in the Scrum process, which comes first product vision or traditional requirements?
I know that once the product receives the requirements it is backlog and prioitize by having a sprint log but I'm fuzzy in the arena of vision and traditional requirements.
SCRUM is about how you handle your project.
The envisioning process comes before the project itself. It is pretty much possible that there may be no project, and therefore no SCRUM. Gathering requirements (generating your product backlog) comes when people are done with envisioning and found out that starting with the project makes sense. This said, you will find it logical that product envisioning comes before gathering of the requirements, because people may not bother with requirements if in the middle of envisioning process they realise there is a same/similar product out there, or that it is not feasible to do such thing.
Envisioning process: Person X says - Let's make a teleport machine. With it people would be able to instantly transport themselves to any point on The Earth. Person Y joins and says - but that is impossible because of {blah, blah, all those scientific reasons}.
Naturally, they give up. :)
Requirements gathering: No need, because they realised the project is doomed to fail during the envisioning process.