Well, I am here again dealing with arrays in php. I need your hand to guide me in the right direction. Suppose the following array:
The - (hyphen) symbol only illustrates the deep level.
Well, I need to build another array (or whatever), because it should be printed as an HTML select as below:
Looks that for each level element, it should add a space, or hyphen to determinate that it belongs to a particular parent.
The have provide an answer provideng my final code. The html select element will display each level as string (repeating the "-" at the begging of the text instead multi-level elements.
Here's a simple recursive function to build a select dropdown given an array. Unfortunately I'm not able to test it, but let me know if it works. Usage would be as follows:
function generateDropdown($array, $level = 1)
if ($level == 1)
$menu = '<select>';
foreach ($array as $a)
if (is_array($a))
$menu .= generateDropdown($a, $level+1);
$menu .= '<option>'.str_pad('',$level,'-').$a.'</option>'."\n";
if ($level == 1)
$menu = '</select>';
return $menu;