Any ideas on how to incorporate a voice output into the map to give a turn by turn direction on a smartphone. We are using Mapkit and Cloudmade
Well, this has very little to share with indoor or outdoor positioning and navigation. It is mainly a matter of converting the text output of a pathfinding/routing application/server to voice using a text-to-speech (TTS) system.
For example, you could use the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) or OpenTripPlanner to generate a list of turn-by-turn indications and the text to speech library of Android > 2.2 to convert them into voice. Have a look to the TTS Android documentation:
An introduction to Text-To-Speech in Android
Of course, MapKit and/or CloudMade may have their own routing system (I do not use them and I do not know it). In this case, you just have to read their documentation.