I noticed that when you RDP to a Web Role instance on Windows Azure to make an iisreset
, the World Wide Web Publishing Service
shuts down, and the only way to get your role up and running again is either by restarting the aforementioned service or re-roll/restart your instance.
For reasons unknown to me, Windows Azure default the start mode of World Wide Web Publishing Service
to Manual
, why an iisreset
sort a leave your Web Role unavailable to the WWW.
I found a solution to this - IMO - odd behavior, and answered it to the original question of this post.
However, is there an alternative to iisreset
on Windows Azure - maybe programmatically where I can pinpoint the exact instance? Because that is another issue; now I have to use RDP to each instance .. it would be nice if it was possible to do a pinpoint each instance.
Think about it; i have a CNAME to www.awesome-azure.com; this is hosted by 3 instances in round-robin, and I want to reset/monitor/diagnose/heartbeat each one through a REST API (ir similiar), and not like now - through RDP.
Can this be achieved.
Tried to make it more clear what the challenge is as well as the goal to achieve.
Provided a solution to the iisreset
challenge; updated the question to pinpoint instances over the Internet if possible.
Well, I still don't know why Microsoft Azure decides to set World Wide Web Publishing Service
to start mode Manual
, but I found a way to change it.
To the second part of the original question I still hoping for an answer, but until then, please find my solution for the first part to fix the (IMO) iisreset
problem with Startup Task:
In your startup.cmd (or what ever you have named it) which I have placed in a startup folder in the root of my application, include this line of text:
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted .\startup\w3svc.ps1
In the same folder, create a PowerShell file named w3svc.ps1 with the following content:
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC -Name Start -Value 2
Voila; your IIS now works as expected - World Wide Web Publishing Service
is now set to start mode Automatically
Note: for the above to work, you need to have your osFamily property set to 2 in you ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file.