I am posting custom action with facebook open graph api and I am successfully posted that on my timeline with facebook c# sdk.
Here is my action code
curl -F 'access_token=AccessToken' \
-F 'job=http://samples.ogp.me/476622222351784' \
Here is my object code
<head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# sajidap: http://ogp.me/ns/fb/sajidap#">
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="APPID" />
<meta property="og:type" content="sajidap:job" />
<meta property="og:url" content="Put your own URL to the object here" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Sample Job" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://s-static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/devsite/attachment_blank.png" />
I am posting in this way.
var fb = new FacebookClient(AccessToken);
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "og:type", "sajidap:job"},
{ "og:url" , "http://www.google.com"},
{ "og:image", "http://www.theappdynamics.com/images/babafooka.jpg" },
{ "og:title" , "Arslan Job"},
{ "job" , "http://samples.ogp.me/476622222351784"}
var Response = fb.post(me/NameSpace:ActionName,Parameters);
Its posting an activity on my timeline but its showing Sample activity of an object that is like this url http://samples.ogp.me/476622222351784
How I can give my own url, image and title of that object by passing with parameter dynamically from C#. Please guide me on this thing
Its Simple i have done this. You have one page like that which have your Open graphs tags in it like this. Mean It should be some content page on your web.
Let me clear more.. Like I have one resturant and I am selling some chicken burgers and I want to make one action "Buy"
Mean In facebook it should be like this Arslan buy chicken lawa on link.
is user who performed the actionbuy
Here is ASPX Page
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server" prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# myapp: http://ogp.me/ns/fb/myapp#"> // Your app name will be replaced with this "myapp"
<title>Buy Falafeel</title>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="4735" /> // Your APP ID
<meta property="og:type" content="myapp:falafeel" /> // YourAppName:Action Type
<meta property="og:url" content="http://demo.anything.net/buy.aspx" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Chicken Lawa Falafeel" />
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.theappdynamics.com/images/babafooka.jpg" />
<form id="form1" runat="server">
This is Falafeel Page. Demo Demo......
Here I am Performing The action on button click from my code behind.
void PostAction(string URL, string Token, string Action, string objects)
var fb = new FacebookClient(Token);
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ objects , URL}
dynamic result = fb.Post("me/myapp:" + Action, parameters); // again here should be your app name instead of "myapp"
catch { }
PostAction("URL", "AccessToken", "Action", "Object"); // Here is The Above Method Call
// Here is URL That URL Who Have Open Graph Tags Like we have created one page with tags named buy.aspx and it should be full link like "http://xyz.com/buy.aspx"
//Access Token Of User On Behalf we are going to create This Action
//Action The One Created On facebook App Setting Of OpenGraph Tag Like "Buy"
//Object That We Also Created On Facebook App Setting For OpenGraph Like "ChickeLawa"