Agda manual on Inductive Data Types and Pattern Matching states:
To ensure normalisation, inductive occurrences must appear in strictly positive positions. For instance, the following datatype is not allowed:
data Bad : Set where bad : (Bad → Bad) → Bad
since there is a negative occurrence of Bad in the argument to the constructor.
Why is this requirement necessary for inductive data types?
The data type you gave is special in that it is an embedding of the untyped lambda calculus.
data Bad : Set where
bad : (Bad → Bad) → Bad
unbad : Bad → (Bad → Bad)
unbad (bad f) = f
Let's see how. Recall, the untyped lambda calculus has these terms:
e := x | \x. e | e e'
We can define a translation [[e]]
from untyped lambda calculus terms to Agda terms of type Bad
(though not in Agda):
[[x]] = x
[[\x. e]] = bad (\x -> [[e]])
[[e e']] = unbad [[e]] [[e']]
Now you can use your favorite non-terminating untyped lambda term to produce a non-terminating term of type Bad
. For example, we could translate (\x. x x) (\x. x x)
to the non-terminating expression of type Bad
unbad (bad (\x -> unbad x x)) (bad (\x -> unbad x x))
Although the type happened to be a particularly convenient form for this argument, it can be generalized with a bit of work to any data type with negative occurrences of recursion.