I appologize for asking this question, but i have searched and kind find anything specific to my needs. I have worked with it but can not seem to make ends meet.
I have a column SrcFileName (VarChar(100))
It is populated with filenames (i.e. AB20120928.143815458.txt) The AB does not change and the extension (.TXT) does not change.
I am trying to convert that SrcFileName to a DateTime value. This is a GMT timestamp.
Does not work, I believe I need to use Str_to_Date
in conjunction with Convert()
Any assistance Appreciated!
This should do it, just use SUBSTR to get the correct part of the string to parse and use STR_TO_DATE on that;
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(SUBSTR(SrcFileName,3,15), '%Y%m%d.%H%i%s') FROM TableA;