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EXC_BAD_ACCESS iOS6 GM UITableTextAccessibilityElement

i'm starting to update my app, which has been available and working all the way from iOS 2.2.1 to 5 (I still manual memory management on it, if that matters).

Now, when I run it on iOS6 GM I'm getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS,

when I run the project with Zombie Object enabled,

I get:

-[UITableTextAccessibilityElement accessibilityContainer]: message sent to deallocated instance 0xb3cacff0


has anyone run into the same problem? how did you solve it?

any help is appreciated


  • XA, I got rid of it by removing some legacy threading code within my app. Something with the table's inner workings and the threads running was making it crash.

    This is an app that has been around since iOS 2.2.1 and at the time the speed of the iPhone (dont recall if it was iphone 2 or 3) required an acitivty indicator. But with iphone 4s / 5 / ipod touch 4th & 5th Generation the indicator would be showing for about half a second anyway
