I am working on a query that will collect data from a table and display the data for a report.
The data looks like this:
Player Score
001 10
001 20
002 20
002 20
001 10
002 10
003 20
002 20
001 10
I want it to display it like this
Player Score
001 10,20
002 10,20
003 20
But all I get is a combined list of all data in the score column like this
Player Score
001 10,20,10,10
002 20,20,10,20
003 20
Does anyone have an idea how to make this work?
For SQL Server you can use:
select player,
stuff((SELECT distinct ', ' + cast(score as varchar(10))
FROM yourtable t2
where t2.player = t1.player
FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
from yourtable t1
group by player