I used the following to upgrade SQLite 3 on 10.6.8. I now have version 3.6.12 installed in /usr/bin/ and version 3.7.14 installed in /usr/local/bin/. Was this the best way to install it?
mkdir ~/tempFolder
cd ~/tempFolder
curl https://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-autoconf-3071400.tar.gz | tar xvz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3071400
sudo make install
If not, what should I do to fix it? Lastly, SQLite 3.7.14 is only called when I enter its path /usr/local/bin/sqlite3. I have read that if I update the Path I can call the latest version by simply typing sqlite3 because it will look in /usr/local/bin/ first. I have also read articles that say I need to update .profile instead if I am not sending all commands throught the shell. What is the best method to call the latest version from both the shell and from AppleScript calls to the shell like this? Or would it be easier to simply have the latest version installed?
property databaseFolder : POSIX path of (path to public folder as text) & "Databases/"
property databaseName : "myDatabase"
property databasePath : quoted form of (databaseFolder & databaseName as text)
property table1 : "Main"
set xxx to do shell script "sqlite3 " & databasePath & " \"select * from " & table1 & "; \""
Use the precompiled binary provided by SQLite. Unpack it and run it in the Terminal:
$ cd folder_where_sqlite3_was_unpacked
$ ./sqlite3
As an alternative, install SQLite from MacPorts. MacPorts ist useful to install a lot of Un*x tools, not only SQLite.