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vectorization of differentiation in R

I have a table stored in a dataframe in R.

I want to calculate the first derivative along each column. Columns are measured variables, rows are time.

Can I vectorize this function ?

df$C <- df$A + df$B

In principle I'd like something like :

df$DiffA <- diff(df$A)

The problem is, that I don't know how to vectorize functions that need A(n) and A(n+1), where n is the row within the dataframe (Pseudocode).


  • Based on the comments:

    df <- data.frame(n=1:100) 
    df$sqrt <- sqrt(df$n)
    df$diff <- c(NA,diff(df$sqrt,lag=1))

    diff returns one value less then there are values in the input vector (for obvious reasons). You can fix that by prepending or appending an NA value.

    Some timings:

    #create a big data.frame
    vec <- 1:1e6
    df <- data.frame(a=vec,b=vec,c=vec,d=vec,e=vec,sqroot=sqrt(vec))
    #for big datasets data.table is usually more efficient:
    dt <- data.table(df)
    microbenchmark(df$diff <- c(NA,diff(df$sqroot,lag=1)),
    Unit: milliseconds
                                                expr      min        lq    median        uq      max
    1     df$diff <- c(NA, diff(df$sqroot, lag = 1)) 75.42700 116.62366 140.98300 151.11432 174.5697
    2 dt[, `:=`(diff, c(NA, diff(sqroot, lag = 1)))] 37.39592  45.91857  52.21005  62.89996 119.7345

    diff is fast, but for big datasets using a data.frame is not efficient. Use data.table instead. The speed gain gets more pronounced, the bigger the dataset is.