I'm doing remote debugging regularly thanks to Visual Studio 2010's msvsmon tool. I used to set the timeout to zero in the options screen, as I just want the tool to keep running until I'm done with it:
This works fine, but I grew tired of doing this everyday and I'm trying to do it from a script, using the appropriate command line switch:
msvsmon.exe /timeout:0
But no cigar:
I can work around this by setting a ridiculously long timeout, but I'm just checking: is there a proper way to disable this timeout from the command line? Or maybe with a registry key?
Well if there's no proper way, I guess the best is just to use the maximum allowed, which seems to be the maximum of a signed integer, minus one:
msvsmon.exe /timeout:2147483646
That leaves more than 68 years of remote debugging, should be enough for me!