I am trying to use CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed() to Create ColorRef. I want to understand rule for passing component array when we use indexed color space.
CGColorRef CGColorCreate (
CGColorSpaceRef colorspace,
const CGFloat components[]
Apple doc says, The array should contain n+1 values that correspond to the n color components in the specified color space, followed by the alpha component.
unsigned char colorTable[] = {2,120,150,180,200,220,10, 30};
CGColorSpaceRef cs = CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceCMYK(), 1, colorTable);
now, if I create a color using this colorspace,
const CGFloat myComponentArray[] = ??;
CGColorRef colorref = CGColorCreate (cs, myComponentArray);
what should be myComponentArray? Should it depend upon the base colorspace passed in while creating indexed color space?
For an indexed color space, the color has one component, which is the index into the color table:
CGFloat myComponentArray[] = { index, alpha };
In your case, the color table has 2 entries, therefore the index must be 0 or 1.