Having my db setup like this ("type" is always User although I have different kind of User via STI):
class User
# fields
# :id
# :sender_id, :sender_type
# :recipient_id, :recipient_type
Postcard model:
class Postcard < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :owner, :class_name => User
belongs_to :recipient, :class_name => User
I'd like to setup the User model something like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :postcards, :as => [:sender or :recipient] # this is not working
So I could say:
Is it possible?
PS: I've also tried this road:
has_many :postcards, :finder_sql => Proc.new { "SELECT * FROM postcards WHERE postcards.owner_id=#{id} OR postcards.recipient_id=#{id}" }
But found myself stuck on scopes as :finder_sql recreates a whole new SQL:
As mentioned by joelparkerhenderson I need to think differently my association strategy.
As I'd like to have:
My answer is simply to use scopes in Postcard model:
scope :of_user, lambda { |user| where("recipient_id = ? OR owner_id = ?", user.id, user.id) }
So I can invoke:
Postcard.of_user user
I could even wrap it in User model:
def postcards
Postcard.of_user self