I am using a GDataServiceGoogleCalendar
to anonymously fetch a GDataFeedCalendarEvent
from a public url. But I am absolutely unable to retrieve times from any of the resulting GDataEntryCalendarEvent
objects. I can read the title, so I believe the API works, but somehow the times arrays are lost somewhere.
The service is instantiated as follows:
- (GDataServiceGoogleCalendar *)calendarService {
static GDataServiceGoogleCalendar* service = nil;
if (!service) {
service = [[GDataServiceGoogleCalendar alloc] init];
[service setShouldCacheResponseData:YES];
[service setServiceShouldFollowNextLinks:YES];
[service setIsServiceRetryEnabled:YES];
return service;
This is the code where the data is retrieved:
for (GDataEntryCalendarEvent *event in eventEntries) {
NSString *title = [[event title] stringValue];
GDataDateTime *startTime = nil;
GDataDateTime *endTime = nil;
NSArray *times = [event times];
GDataWhen *when = nil;
if ([times count] > 0) {
when = [times objectAtIndex:0];
startTime = [when startTime];
endTime = [when endTime];
What is wrong with my code or the way I connect? The sample app retrieves the dates successfully.
The Google API requires the use of an actual identified user even to access the public data. So no access to most API call s is granted until an authenticated user account is being used.