A Adobe Flex issue...
I'm attaching a microphone to a NetStream, but there is no mic activity. The privacy is set to Allow, the microphone.muted is false and the activity level is -1.
Only when I open the flash settings, and open the Microphone tab, it starts to dispatch the Activity events, and it starts to stream the audio.
Also, when I start to loopBack it starts working. But I don't want loopBack.
Did you have the same problem? I hope I was clear.
Ok, I found what is the problem!
Just before I attached the microphone to the NetStream object, I was doing setLoopBack(false)
When I commented that code it started streaming the audio right away.
I have done that because in some test versions I needed to LoopBack. I was stuck because I was setting loopback to false. I just needed to comment it.