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How to get the default Store code within the Magento backend

I am trying to find out the default store code from within Magento's backend. While this sounds rather simple, I just couldn't find any solution.

The snippets I found are either


(although this doesn't correspond to the default but the current store) or


But from within the backend these will only return "admin" (since the backend is treated as some kind of special store with store ID 0 - which is the value of DEFAULT_STORE_ID). Could anyone please point me to a way to get the actual default store code from anywhere? (That store code that is set by Magento if both "Add Store Code to URLs" and "Auto-redirect to Base URL" options are activated)

Just a little background why I need this: I need to generate a URL within the Magento configuration that still works if "Add Store Code to URLs" is activated. I can set any store code, so if I'm within the configuration scope of one of them, I can just use that one. But since it also has to work if the configuration scope is set to default or website, I want to use the default store code in that case.

I found a solution with:

$websites = Mage::app()->getWebsites();
$code = $websites[1]->getDefaultStore()->getCode();

However, this leaves me with some follow-up questions.

Why does Mage::app()->getWebsite() return a special website object that only includes the special admin store, while Mage::app()->getWebsites() will return an array that only includes the usual frontend website, but not the object returned by getWebsite()?

Why does the frontend website object occupy index 1 in the array, while index 0 is unused? I would really like to know the reason for having to use a magic number there (if I have to).


  • There is no such thing as a default store in Magento. The only special store is the admin one; all other stores have the same rights in Magento.

    [...] while Mage::app()->getWebsites() will return an array that only includes the usual frontend website, but not the object returned by getWebsite()?

    You should look at Mage_Core_Model_App::getWebsites()'s source code:

    public function getWebsites($withDefault = false, $codeKey = false)
        $websites = array();
        if (is_array($this->_websites)) {
            foreach ($this->_websites as $website) {
                if (!$withDefault && $website->getId() == 0) {
        return $websites;

    If you call $websites = Mage::app()->getWebsites(true);, you will get an array of websites, with the admin one at index 0.