What is the idiomatic way to handle exceptions in ring apps. I would like to capture the exception and return a 500 page. How do I do that ?
I am using moustache for the code below, however it doesnt work -
(def my-app (try
(wrap-logger true)
(wrap-file "resources/public/")
[""] (index-route @prev-h nil)
["getContent"] (fetch-url)
["about"] "We are freaking cool man !!"
[&] (-> "Nothing was found" response (status 404) constantly))
(catch Exception e
[&] (-> "This is an error" response (status 500) constantly)))
You don't want to wrap the whole app in a try-catch block, you want to wrap the handling of each request separately. It's quite easy to make a middleware that does this. Something like:
(defn wrap-exception [handler]
(fn [request]
(try (handler request)
(catch Exception e
{:status 500
:body "Exception caught"}))))