Please note, though this question is tagged armv7, it pertains to armv7s. The new tag could not be created.
I'm using the most up to date AdMob SDK (6.1.5) but it seems AdMob isn't yet built for armv7s
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7s: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_GADBannerView", referenced from: objc-class-ref in libCompanyName.a(AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.o)
If somebody has had it working, can you explain your workaround?
Otherwise, does anybody know of any official documentation explaining when it will be updated.
Update to Admob 6.2.0 or later.
See this post:
Also, include the AdSupport framework and remove the -all_load flag. You've got to use the -ObjC flag however.