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How can I create a closure table using data from an adjacency list?

I have a database containing a hierarchy of categories stored using the adjacency list model.

The hierarchy is 3 levels deep (not including an imaginary root node) and contains approx 1700 nodes. Nodes in the 2nd and 3rd levels can have multiple parents. A additional table is used for the many-to-many relationship as below:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Category(
    id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE dbo.CategoryHierarchy(
    relId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    catId int NOT NULL,
    parentId int NOT NULL,

If I move to using the transitive closure table method (for the sake of data integrity etc) is there a relatively easy query I can execute that would generate the values for the closure table? (using SQL Server 2005)

I've look through articles and presentations such as Bill Karwin's Models for hierarchical data but that only has insertion queries for a single node and it would take forever for me to create my tree like that.


RelID in the CategoryHierarchy table is purely for the sake of a primary key, it has no bearing on the node ids of the Category table.

Also by closure table, I mean a table like this:

CREATE TABLE ClosureTable (
    ancestor int NOT NULL,
    descendant int NOT NULL,
    [length] int NOT NULL,

Where the first two columns are a compound primary key, and are individually foreign keys to


  • I think I've been able to work out the solution myself.

    If anyone has a better way of doing this, please comment.

    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ClosureTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE dbo.ClosureTable
    CREATE TABLE dbo.ClosureTable (
        ancestor int NOT NULL,
        descendant int NOT NULL,
        distance int NULL
    DECLARE @depth INT
    SET @depth = 1
    INSERT INTO dbo.ClosureTable (ancestor, descendant, distance)
    SELECT catid, catid, 0 FROM dbo.Category -- insert all the self-referencing nodes
    WHILE (@depth < 4) -- my tree is only 4 levels deep, i.e 0 - 3
        INSERT INTO dbo.ClosureTable (ancestor, descendant, distance)
        SELECT ct.ancestor, h.catid, @depth
        FROM dbo.ClosureTable ct INNER JOIN dbo.CategoryHierarchy h ON ct.descendant = h.parentid
        WHERE ct.distance = @depth - 1
        SET @depth = @depth + 1

    Cheers :)