My WiX XML file installs app that contains windows-service named OLOLO_SERVICE (for example). I want to stop this service when installing/reinstalling my app.
I use CustomAction with ExeCommand='sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE'.
<CustomAction Id='EnsureThatServiceIsStopped' Directory='INSTALLLOCATION'
Impersonate="no" Execute="immediate" ExeCommand="sc
stop OLOLO_SERVICE" Return="ignore" />
Inside <InstallExecuteSequence> tag is action
<Custom Action='EnsureThatServiceIsStopped' Before='InstallValidate' />
But this doesn't works, uninstaller shows this window "For uninstallation continue you should stop following executables" (maybe not 100% correct, because in my russian Windows 7 it is written in russian).
I think that possible reasons for this are
Plesae help me, I want to stop service using batch 'sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE'
PS. I decided to simplify a question: I want my WiX to execute 'sc stop OLOLO_SERVICE' with administrator privilegies and before checking for running applications
You don't need to do this in a batch file, you can use the ServiceControl element:
<ServiceControl Id="ServiceControl_OloService"
Wait="yes" />