The following code compiles in C#:
public class Class1
The following code in F# does not compile:
type Class1() = class end
The compile error in F# is: "The attribute type 'ContentTypeAttribute' has 'AllowMultiple=false'. Multiple instances of this attribute cannot be attached to a single language element."
By decompiling ContentType, I can see that ContentType inherits from MultipleBaseMetadataAttribute which has 'AllowMultiple=true' in the AttributeUsage.
In fact, it seems like F# does not inherit the AttributeUsage from the parent class.
[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)>]
type FooAttribute() =
inherit Attribute()
type BarAttribute() =
inherit FooAttribute()
type MyClassCompiles() = class end
type MyClassDoesNotCompile() = class end
Looks like a bug. Email fsbugs[at] Here's another apparent bug: it doesn't appear to honor AttributeTargets
type FooAttribute() =
inherit Attribute()
type T = struct end //happily compiles