I followed this tutorial to do a simple counter application in a primefaces project: http://blog.eisele.net/2012/09/primefaces-push-with-atmosphere-on.html
When the page with the counter is loaded, I get an error msg saying that the websocket gets closed improperly?
I wonder if this could have to do with the config of Glassfish? I have enabled comet support and websockets, but I may have missed other settings?
[config: GlassFish 3.1.2 Atmosphere 1.0.1 Primefaces 3.4.1 Netbeans 7.2]
Ok found it, I hope it will help others.
Instead of trying to enable comet via the GlassFish admin panel (localhost:4848), visit the services panel in Netbeans, right-click on the Glassfish server, and tick "enable comet". Solved. I suppose Eclipse has the same kind of UI.
All of this would probably not have happened if I had written the command-line version to enable comet suggested in the blog post mentioned in my original question. But I'm no command line afficionado yet...