I am trying to override an existing method in ESAPI OWASP library, by using ESAPI.override(). Somehow it does not work, do you know why?
Here my code:
public class AntiSamyDOMScannerExpansion extends AbstractAntiSamyScanner {
public CleanResults scan(String html, String inputEncoding, String outputEncoding) throws ScanException {
ESAPI.override(new DefaultSecurityConfiguration());
is used only to override the configuration. In order to expand other kind of methods, in my case AntiSamy.scan
, it is needed to extend every class in the call structure.
This is because of a inflexible implementation. For instance we find in HTMLValidationRule.java
private String invokeAntiSamy( String context, String input ) throws ValidationException {
// CHECKME should this allow empty Strings? " " us IsBlank instead?
if ( StringUtilities.isEmpty(input) ) {
if (allowNull) {
return null;
throw new ValidationException( context + " is required", "AntiSamy validation error: context=" + context + ", input=" + input, context );
String canonical = super.getValid( context, input );
try {
AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy();
CleanResults test = as.scan(canonical, antiSamyPolicy);
List<String> errors = test.getErrorMessages();
if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) {
LOGGER.info( Logger.SECURITY_FAILURE, "Cleaned up invalid HTML input: " + errors );
return test.getCleanHTML().trim();
} catch (ScanException e) {
throw new ValidationException( context + ": Invalid HTML input", "Invalid HTML input: context=" + context + " error=" + e.getMessage(), e, context );
} catch (PolicyException e) {
throw new ValidationException( context + ": Invalid HTML input", "Invalid HTML input does not follow rules in antisamy-esapi.xml: context=" + context + " error=" + e.getMessage(), e, context );
Due to AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy();
we can not make it usable in a custom implementation.