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Accessing Sharepoint Web Services without authentication

Is it possible to access a sharepoint web service without authenication? If you can't do it directley can you think of any ways to get round it such as haveing an open service inbetween that does authenicate for you using a public account.


  • John,

    The security model of the web application through which you're trying to access the web service in question is going to drive whether or not you can access the service anonymously. If you're attempting to access the web service through a web application on which anonymous access is enabled, then you'll be able to hit the web service. Go ahead and try this on an anonymous site (if you have one): http://yoursitehere/_vti_bin/lists.asmx. You'll get the friendly service page back, no auth required.

    Here's the catch: once you traverse the web service layer, you've got another layer of security to deal with. SharePoint itself is going to want to check permissions for access via the web services just as it normally would, so unless you are attempting an operation or trying to access data that is allowed for anonymous users, you're going to get blocked.

    You have a handful of options:

    1. Simply ensure that everything you're trying to do is permitted anonymously. This may sound easy, but it can actually be pretty difficult for anything but the simplest and straightforward of operations. Most organizations, too, don't care for opening things up to this extent.

    2. If you control the code that's calling the web service, then you have the ability to attach credentials to the web service request. I recommend starting here, as it is going to make things a lot easier than trying to throw everything wide open. Plenty of examples exist on attaching credentials to a web service proxy (e.g.,

    3. Finally, you could write your own web service that wraps the SharePoint web service (or services) of interest. You could permit anonymous access to your web service and then adopt an appropriate security context within your own service to access SharePoint with the required permissions level.

    I hope this helps!

    • Sean