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A way for not rendering Ajax.Actionlink when user uses IE

I have the following problem. As you know ie current versions do not support pushstate html5 feature. So I do not want to render my content with Ajax when the user is ie.

I guess that the best way to achieve this, is by using an extension of Ajax helper that returns the ajax.actionlink when the detected browser is not ie, and a standard (html.routelink) when the user's browser is ie.

When making the extension I am requested for the routeName which does not appear as a property...

I do not know if anyone has faced this problem and the solution you have used.



  • The way i finally used for achieving what I wanted is to define a razor helper within the view. I know that it would be better to make an extension. But it was complex due to the fact that i wanted to take advantage of ajaxhelper and htmlhelper simultaneously... (So I was compelled to identify the route name and all that stuff)

    @helper ConditionalLinkIE(string link, string action, string controller, object routeValues, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions)
        if(ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser.ToString().ToUpper() == "IE")
          @Html.ActionLink(link, action, controller)
          @Ajax.ActionLink(link, action, controller, routeValues, ajaxOptions)  