I have a textbox which has some content. I also have a button (SAVE) which shud open the FileSaveDialog and allow the content to be saved in a .txt file.
<TextBox Height="93" IsReadOnly="True" Text="{Binding Path=ReadMessage, Mode=TwoWay}" Name="MessageRead" />
<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding Path=SaveFileCommand}" Name="I2CSaveBtn" />
private string _readMessage = string.Empty;
public string ReadMessage
return _readMessage;
_readMessage = value;
public static RelayCommand SaveFileCommand { get; set; }
private void RegisterCommands()
SaveFileCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.ExecuteSaveFileDialog());
private void ExecuteSaveFileDialog()
//What To Do HERE???
What I basically need is to read the content of textbox, open a file save dialog and store it in a text file to be saved in my system.
Using SaveFileDialog you could do something along these lines
string fileText = ReadMessage;
SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog()
Filter = "Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt|All(*.*)|*"
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
File.WriteAllText(dialog.FileName, fileText);