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Problems compiling with changes to f2py

I am trying to update my package scikits.bvp_solver (source here) and I have run into some problems with f2py generated files. The files 'bvp_solverf-f2pywrappers2.f90' and 'bvp_solverfmodule.c' which were generated in 2009 allow the package to be built in place with "python build_ext --inplace" but if I delete them and try to rebuild I get the error


                use guess_3_wrap__user__routines
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'guess_3_wrap__user__routines.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory

The part the adds this use statement does not appear in the old version of the file. I am having difficulty figuring out how to fix this issue. Can anyone offer advice? What are the major changes to f2py in the last two years?


  • I finally fixed this problem by eliminating guess_3_wrap__user__routines and moving the relevant code into python.