I would like to be able to add users in Django to a user-created group through a view and a template form. Creating the groups is easy, I just am having trouble creating a way to add bulk users (like this email1@email.com, email2@email.com, email203920492@email.com
etc) to the group. If the user exists in the system, they are sent a message to join, if they don't exist, they get a message inviting them to join the website and the group.
If I understand what you're asking...
If you have a list of the emails, then simply loop through the list of emails and get the user assigned to each email:
for email in emails:
user = User.objects.get(email=email)
except User.DoesNotExist:
# A user doesn't exist with that email address, so send the invitation email
# The user exists, so send them an email with a link to a view that lets them join the group
In your view, you would add the current logged in user to the group when they visit the link, with something like: