I am using a very simple CursorLoader with an ImageDownloader. The ImageDownloader is running and everything but the CursorLoader finishes, and THEN the ImageDownloader begins its job of downloading the images, but the GridView is not updating with the downloaded images..
Within my ListFragment I have the following onActivityCreated method:
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "onActivityCreated");
cursorAdapter = new OURSVPImageAdapter(getActivity(), null);
// set the adapter on the gridview
// load the data
getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(2, null, this);
My CursorLoader is as follows:
public static final class PhotoCursorLoader extends SimpleCursorLoader {
Context mContext;
public PhotoCursorLoader(Context context) {
Log.d("PhotoCursorLoader", "Constructor");
mContext = context;
public Cursor loadInBackground() {
Log.d("PhotoCursorLoader", "loadInBackground");
PhotosDataSource datasource = new PhotosDataSource(mContext);
# STEP 1
return datasource.getAllPhotos(((EventActivity) mContext).getEventId());
The line labeled # STEP 1 that retrieves all of the photos is just a method that retrieves a Cursor, as seen here:
public Cursor getAllPhotos(long event_id) {
Log.d(TAG, "getAllPhotos");
Cursor mCursor = getWritableDatabase().query(true, TABLE_NAME, COLUMNS_PHOTOS, DatabaseConstants.KEY_EVENT_ID + "=" + event_id,
null, null, null, null, null);
return mCursor;
So, this being the CursorLoader for the ListFragment, it assumes its complete when that Cursor is returned, which is correct. From my understanding the setAdapter() method is what would actually trigger the getView method.
The Trouble I'm having is that Everything seems to be running fine, my log output is outputting the urls for the images correctly, breakpoints all showing legit data, the issue though, is that my grid view never gets updated with the images that the ImageDownloader retrieves.
This is the SimpleCursorLoader
I'm using: https://gist.github.com/1217628
As with another of my questions.. the refresh shouldn't be forced, and when using a provider you can have the provider notify the contentresovler of updates. I have a method that inserts new photos, and that method uses the data provider. The data provider needed to
getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
to actually update the Cursor.