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Rotating robot towards direction of the ball

I would like to know is this method the right way to go about this?.I want to rotate my robot which is facing north to the direction where an object is in this case the red ball.

Below shows the grid and the position of the ball enter image description here

And here is my code to this:

def turn_to(brick, new_x, new_y, old_x, old_y, angle):
    delta_x = new_x - old_x
    print delta_x
    delta_y = new_y - old_y
    print delta_y

    roboCturn = base * pi
    Circumference = diameter * pi

    if(angle > 315 or angle < 45):
        if (delta_x < 0 and delta_y == 0):
            #180 degrees tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(180)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho      

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x == 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #90 degrees right tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x == 0 and delta_y < 0): 
            #90 degrees left tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y > 0):
            # degrees in 1st quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 4th quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #degrees in 2nd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 3rd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

            left.weak_turn(power=0, tacho_units=0)
            right.weak_turn(power = 0, tacho_units=0)

    elif(angle > 45 and angle < 135):
        if (delta_x == 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #180 degrees tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(180)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho      

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y == 0):
            #90 degrees right tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y == 0): 
            #90 degrees left tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y > 0):
            # degrees in 1st quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 4th quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #degrees in 2nd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 3rd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

            left.weak_turn(power=0, tacho_units=0)
            right.weak_turn(power = 0, tacho_units=0)

    elif(angle > 135 and angle < 225):
        if (delta_x > 0 and delta_y == 0):
            #180 degrees tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(180)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho      

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x == 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #90 degrees right tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x == 0 and delta_y > 0): 
            #90 degrees left tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y > 0):
            # degrees in 1st quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 4th quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #degrees in 2nd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 3rd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

            left.weak_turn(power=0, tacho_units=0)
            right.weak_turn(power = 0, tacho_units=0)

    elif(angle > 225 and angle < 315):
        if (delta_x == 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #180 degrees tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(180)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho      

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y == 0):
            #90 degrees right tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x < 0 and delta_y == 0): 
            #90 degrees left tested
            angle_rad = math.radians(90)
            angle_deg = (angle_rad) * (180/pi)
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif (delta_x > 0 and delta_y > 0):
            # degrees in 1st quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif(delta_x > 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 4th quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), delta_x)
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            left.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            right.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif(delta_x < 0 and delta_y > 0):
            #degrees in 2nd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2(delta_y, (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 + ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

        elif(delta_x < 0 and delta_y < 0):
            #degrees in 3rd quadrant tested
            angle_rad = math.atan2((math.fabs(delta_y)), (math.fabs(delta_x)))
            angle_deg = 90 - ((angle_rad) * (180/pi))
            print angle_deg
            distanceTurned = (angle_deg/360) * (roboCturn)
            numberRotations = (distanceTurned) / (Circumference)
            tachoUnits = (numberRotations) * tacho

            right.weak_turn(power=power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)
            left.weak_turn(power=-power, tacho_units=tachoUnits)

            left.weak_turn(power=0, tacho_units=0)
            right.weak_turn(power = 0, tacho_units=0)

i just want to know is this the right way to solve this? or is there an alternative because i would be passing in values based on the question i posted previously. Thanks

Regards Edward


  • Way too much math. Use math.atan2() to get the desired angle and subtract it from π/2 to get the appropriate rotation.