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Custom image toolbar WTL

I want to create a toolbar with custom image buttons, I have the images in .ico format how can I add them to the toolar in WTL? I'm trying to edit the images in the toolbar list, but there such poor quality, how can I add better quality images?


  • If you have a WTL Toolbar control that is already created you can attach images to it with the SetImageList() and SetHotImageList() methods of the CToolBarCtrl class. E.g.

    CToolBarCtrl toolbar;
    CImage image;
    CBitmap bitmap;
    // ... load the image into the bitmap ...
    images.Create(32, 32, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 0, 1);
    // repeat this for each image you want to use in the toolabr
    images.Add(bitmap, RGB(255, 255, 255));
    //... do the same for the hot (hover) images ...

    The images can then be used by referencing the return value of the CImageList:Add() method.

    Make sure you detach the image list from the CImageList class as I have done here otherwise the image list will be deleted when it goes out of scope.