I am trying to compile an old piece of code from 2009. In the compiler instructions the developer used Visual Studio 2008, .Net 2.0, and WinDDK:
Microsoft Windows Driver Kit
I need to know about WinDDK version 6001.18001 from the 2009 period.
What was the official Microsoft name for 6001.18001 version of WinDDK, and can you still download this from MSDN or TechNET?
(i.e.) WinDDK 7.1 is 7600.16385.1
It looks like the WinDDK version 6001.18001 was named Windows Server 2008 WDK SP1.
WDK_6001_18001.iso, ca. 650MB
Release Date: WDK SP1 for Windows Server 2008 SP1 Release Date 10/23/2008