I am new to iPhone and I have a small doubt. Now the iphone5 screen height is 568 and previous iPhone's screen height was 480. How can we implement apps for iPhone5. Should we check views or controllers all the time for iPhone5 and below versions?
Thanks in advance.
here are the points *if you want to make use of full height of the iPhone5 create splash screen that's exactly 640x1136 pixels in size and name [email protected] *if you have problem with rotation check a)window.rootViewController = firstViewcontroller (dont add view to your window) b)implement the new rorate delegate function
*Use viewDidLayoutSubviews rather than viewDidLoad to set up widget sizes relative to the window *You can manually check the screen size and load the right image like this:
UIImage* myImage;
CGFloat screenHeight = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height;
if ([UIScreen mainScreen].scale == 2.f && screenHeight == 568.0f) {
myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"];
} else {
myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"myImage.png"];
or use catogary from the following GIT gist https://gist.github.com/3719620