I'm trying to update a field on a phone call entity, then close it. Current to do so as far as I can tell, takes two calls. But this is painfully slow as it's taken 30 minutes to process 60 phone calls and I have around 200,000 to do. Is there a way to combine both into one call?
Here's my current code -
foreach (phonecall phonepointer in _businessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities.Cast<phonecall>()
.Where(phonepointer => phonepointer.statecode.Value == PhoneCallState.Open))
//Update fiserv_contactstatus value
phonepointer.fiserv_contactstatus = Picklist;
//Cancel activity
setStatePhoneCallRequest.PhoneCallState = PhoneCallState.Canceled;
setStatePhoneCallRequest.PhoneCallStatus = 200011;
setStatePhoneCallRequest.EntityId = phonepointer.activityid.Value;
Unfortunately, there's little you can do.
You COULD try and use the new SDK and the XRM context (strongly typed classes) to batch-update the phone call entities (this should be faster), but you'll still need to use the old-fashioned CrmService
to actually change the state of each entity, one by one.
EDIT: You could also directly change the state of the entities in the database, but this should be your last resort, as manual changes to the CRM DB are unsupported and dangerous.
Seriously, last resort! No, I'm NOT joking!