I have two strings like:
a = '54515923333558964'
b = '48596478923333558964'
Now the longest postfix match is
c = '923333558964'
what will be a solution using re?
Here is a solution I found for prefix match:
import re
pattern = re.compile("(?P<mt>\S*)\S*\s+(?P=mt)")
a = '923333221486456'
b = '923333221486234567'
c = pattern.match(a + ' ' + b).group('mt')
You can use this variation of the regex pattern:
EDIT. Note, however, that this may require O(n3) time with some inputs. Try e.g.
a = 1000 * 'a'
b = 1000 * 'a' + 'b'
This takes one second to process on my system.