I've got a static ObservableCollection> named HeaderColorPairs in the non-static class ColorManager (singleton).
This property is bound to a ListView's ItemsSource like this:
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource xmlFormatter}" ConverterParameter="ColorList">
<Binding Source="{StaticResource ResourceKey=colorManager}" Path="HeaderColorPairs"></Binding>
<Binding Path="LogEntryListViewModel.SelectedLogEntry.Model.RawXml"></Binding>
That's the Convert-Method:
public object Convert(object[] value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
//parameter = outputtype
parameter = (parameter == null) ? "" : parameter;
string rawXml = value[1].ToString();
if (rawXml != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue.ToString() && rawXml != string.Empty)
OutputTypes opt = (OutputTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputTypes), parameter.ToString().Length.ToString());
if (opt == OutputTypes.Xml)
RawXmlFormatter rxf = new RawXmlFormatter(rawXml);
return rxf.XmlStringArrayToRunList();
else if (opt == OutputTypes.ColorList)
return ColorManager.GetColorsRelatedToXml(rawXml);
return null;
public static ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, Color>> GetColorsRelatedToXml(string rawXml)
List<string> headerList = RawXmlFormatter.GetHeadersFromRawXml(rawXml);
return new ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair<string, Color>>(HeaderColorPairs.Where(kvp => headerList.Contains(kvp.Key)));
The binding works great, it displays the ObservableCollection right, but if I'm changing the collection in code-behind, the ListView wont update.
Instead of the singleton pattern (which worked also) I do now use a non-static property, which works perfectly. Question solved ;)