I'm having trouble with Maple.
I have a cosine wave, which I figured out how to plot, but now I have to take samples from that wave and plot those(as dots) over top of the original cosine wave. Here is the question from the assignment:
"Produce the samples from Q1 above and plot the result (plot the points on a plot of the cosine wave - use different colours for both, it will look like a cosine wave with dots on it)"
Problem is, my samples keep being straight lines at different heights
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong since I've never used maple before.
Firstly, try not to build up lists using repeated concatenation (which can incur an O(n^2) in resources) if you can use the seq
command instead (which can incur an O(n) cost in resources). You should always reconsider, when coding like s:=[op(s),...]
in a loop.
Next, a point-plot needs pairs of x-y values. Your list is just a collection of scalar values, and hence is being interpreted as a collection of constant functions to be plotted.
The pairs of x-y values can be in a list of (2-element) lists such as [[x1,y1],...,[xn,yn]
It's not clear how you want your x-axis scaled, but you could start off with something like this,
s:=[seq([i, 4*cos(2*Pi*i*70/200+Pi/4)],i=0..20)]:
plot(s, style=point);
# s:=[seq([2*Pi*i*70/200+Pi/4, 4*cos(2*Pi*i*70/200+Pi/4)],i=0..20)]:
ps. Please post source code as text, not as embedded images, so that anyone trying to help needn't type it all in.