I am programming a C/C++ PE Parsing library where I use DLL or exe to extract info about directories and headers. My prblem is when I extract the export address and get the address of functions, I don't know how to use that address to point it to the array with the number of export functions exported
DWORD ExportRVA = PEHeader->optional.data_directory[0].virtual_address;
image_export_directory* Exports = (image_export_directory*)(RVAToOffset(ExportRVA)+BaseAddress);
ExportTable.nNames = Exports->number_of_names;
ExportTable.nFunctions = Exports->number_of_functions;
ExportTable.pFunctions = Exports->address_of_functions;
ExportTable.nNames = Exports->address_of_names;
ExportTable.pNamesOrdinals = Exports->address_of_name_ordinals;
Do I have to assign a pointer to array like
DWORD * AddrFunctions;
changing the pointer address?
The address_of_functions
and address_of_names
fields are RVAs to arrays of RVAs to the actual function entry points and names, respectively, whereas the address_of_name_ordinals
field is an RVA to an array of WORD values, eg:
#define RVAToPtr(RVA) ( ((LPBYTE)BaseAddress) + ((DWORD)(RVA)) )
image_export_directory* Exports = (image_export_directory*) RVAToPtr(PEHeader->optional.data_directory[0].virtual_address);
ExportTable.nFunctions = Exports->number_of_functions;
ExportTable.nNames = Exports->number_of_names;
ExportTable.pFunctions = (PDWORD) RVAToPtr(Exports->address_of_functions);
ExportTable.pNames = (PDWORD) RVAToPtr(Exports->address_of_names);
ExportTable.pNamesOrdinals = (PWORD) RVAToPtr(Exports->address_of_name_ordinals);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < ExportTable.nFunctions; ++i)
void *FuncPtr = (void*) RVAToPtr(ExportTable.pFunctions[i]);
char* FuncName = (char*) RVAToPtr(ExportTable.pNames[i]);
WORD FuncOrdinal = ExportTable.Base + ExportTable.pNamesOrdinals[i];
Refer to MSDN for more details.