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How to dispatch an event with added data - AS3

Can any one give me a simple example on how to dispatch an event in actionscript3 with an object attached to it, like

dispatchEvent( new Event(GOT_RESULT,result));

Here result is an object that I want to pass along with the event.


  • In case you want to pass an object through an event you should create a custom event. The code should be something like this.

    public class MyEvent extends Event
        public static const GOT_RESULT:String = "gotResult";
        // this is the object you want to pass through your event.
        public var result:Object;
        public function MyEvent(type:String, result:Object, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
            super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
            this.result = result;
        // always create a clone() method for events in case you want to redispatch them.
        public override function clone():Event
            return new MyEvent(type, result, bubbles, cancelable);

    Then you can use the code above like this:

    dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.GOT_RESULT, result));

    And you listen for this event where necessary.

    addEventListener(MyEvent.GOT_RESULT, myEventHandler);
    // more code to follow here...
    protected function myEventHandler(event:MyEvent):void
        var myResult:Object = event.result; // this is how you use the event's property.