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Sort an array of alphabetic and numeric string-type elements ASC, but with numeric elements after alphabetic elements

I have an array of values which are either all-letters or all-numbers and need to sort them in an ascending fashion. Additionally, I want all-numeric values to be moved to the end of the array so that they occur after all of the non-numeric values.

$test = ["def", "yz", "abc", "jkl", "123", "789", "stu"];

If I run sort() on it I get:

    [0] => 123
    [1] => 789
    [2] => abc
    [3] => def
    [4] => jkl
    [5] => stu
    [6] => yz

but I'd like to see:

    [0] => abc
    [1] => def
    [2] => jkl
    [3] => stu
    [4] => yz
    [5] => 123
    [6] => 789

I tried array_reverse(), but that didn't seem to change anything. I'm at a loss for how to get the numbers last, but in ascending order.


  • What you need is sort but with a custom comparison function (usort). The following code will get it done:

    function myComparison($a, $b){
        if(is_numeric($a) && !is_numeric($b))
            return 1;
        else if(!is_numeric($a) && is_numeric($b))
            return -1;
            return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
    $test = array("def", "yz", "abc", "jkl", "123", "789", "stu");
    usort ( $test , 'myComparison' );