Hy you all, this is my problem when I run a python file with
I get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "create_revdict.py", line 91, in <module>
combos = QuickSky.get_combos(det_keys)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_combos'
but when I look into the QuickSky module wich is import from a pyc file I found
class Mapper(__builtin__.object)
| This is a Mapper class to map the timedelays to the
| keys
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, dets, timescope=10000)
| convert_bin_time(self, bin)
| convert_time_bin(self, t)
| create_combo_error(self, error_dict)
| create_dict(self, grid_size, func_time_dict, *args)
| Create the actual reverse dictionary
| @param grid_size: grid size in radians
| @param func_time_dict: function to return the time dict
| for a given sky position.
| fun(lon, lat)
| create_key(self, timedelay_dict)
| Create a key from the time delay dict
| create_key_list(self, timedelay_dict, error_dict)
| Create a bunch of keys including the errors
| @params timedelay_dict: timedelay betwen the different sites
| @params error_dict: the individual detector timing errors
| create_key_list_ellipse(self, timedelay_dict, error_dict)
| get_combos(self)
| Create all possible combinations from the det_keys list,
| in alphabetical order
| get_point_area_sqd(self)
get_points(self, listkeys)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
define_network(det_keys, flow=10.0)
Creates the detector network to use
@param det_keys: list of detectors to be included in the network
@param flow: The lower cutoff frequency [Hz]
So it seems QuickSky has a the attribute get_combos.
Unfortunately I did not write QuickSky.pyc so I have no access to the QuickSky.py source.
What the error could be?
As the message tells you, get_combos
is not a function of the module QuickSky
. You can check the contents of this module with dir(QuickSky)
It looks like get_combos
is a method of the QuickSky.Mapper
class instead. You may need to create an instance of this latter, using the appropriate dets