I have created a JSfiddle to let you show the issue... http://jsfiddle.net/mrgamer/u3Z48/
element.width of x-panel-body is incorrectly calculated, in the example above it's set on 340px, instead to CORRECTLY show the borders i've set should've been set to 338px!
Screenshots to clarify even more:
How it is:
How it should be:
I understand this is a really tiny 'issue', still i don't know how to correct it, it's annoying to have such display errors in a overused component like Ext.Panel.
To solve the problem is enough defining the width in the style config, like this:
var panel1 = new Ext.Panel({
title: 'Inner Panel',
height: 300,
style: {width: '350px'},
border: false,
cls: 'panel_class',
bodyCssClass: 'body_border'
It's not as clean as possible, but i think it's a decent solution to the ExtJS miscalculation!