My situation:
I am running (evaluating) Windows 8 (RTM) on my Laptop. I am connected to a LAN which has NO access to the internet (DEV-LAN). I am running a virtual machine (VMware Workstation) which is connected via Bridge Mode to the DEV-LAN. This virtual machine has no access to the internet.
Before, with Windows 7 I was able to connect the host via UMTS to the internet while the virtual machine still was connected to the DEV-LAN. So I could keep working within the virtual machine while doing research (MSDN, Google, Stackoverflow) in the internet on the host.
When I now connect the Windows 8 host to the mobile broadband, nothing changes in the runtime behaviour. The whole Network communication is still running over DEV-LAN. Windows 8 tells me in the Network Sidebar that mobile broadband is connected, but it does not use it. When I remove the network plug of DEV-LAN, THEN the broadband connection will be used. But then obviously, I cannot work in my virtual machine, which depends on DEV-LAN.
Is there any switch in windows 8 that I can use to tell the system to use broadband over LAN, when available?
Thanks a lot!
edit for the comment of pst: the following metrics are given
IPv4-Routentabelle =========================================================================== Aktive Routen: Netzwerkziel Netzwerkmaske Gateway Schnittstelle Metrik 25 296
It finally works :-) I set the metric of my LAN-Adapter to 999 and everything is as I want it to be.
Any change of the UMTS Adapter to a lower metric was unsuccessful. Even when I set the metric to 1 or 5 or 10, netstat /rn told me a metric > 50.
So when I cannot lower the one metric, I have to raise the other one ;-)
The metric can be easily changed like follows: