How to detect iOS 6 and all minor versions by user agent with a simple regex or something? Would be nice to distinct between iphone and ipad as well.
This question differs from What is the iOS 6 user agent string? since I wanted help in building a regex based on the information I already know (which can be found in the linked question)
UA strings update: 141 matching, 0 partially matching, and 797 invalid lines
"Mobile Safari 1.1.3 (iPhone U; CPU like Mac OS X; en)" is considered invalid even if it mentions iPhone. Actually a semi-colon is missing after the
term which is suspicious.Safari 8+ doesn't appear yet on
Lines preceded by a C can be customized.
1. ^(?:(?:(?:Mozilla/\d\.\d\s*\()+|Mobile\s*Safari\s*\d+(?:\.\d+)+\s*)
C 2. (?:iPhone(?:\s+Simulator)?|iPad|iPod);\s*
3. (?:U;\s*)?
4. (?:[a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)?;\s*)?
5. CPU\s*
6. (?:iPhone\s*)?
C 7. (?:OS\s*\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?\s*)?
C 8. (?:like|comme)\s*Mac\s*O?S?\s*X
9. (?:;\s*[a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)?)?
10. \)\s*)?
11. (?:AppleWebKit/\d+(?:\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\s*\+)?\s*)?
C 12. (?:\(KHTML,\s*(?:like|comme)\s*Gecko\s*\)\s*)?
C 13. (?:(?:Version|CriOS)/\d+(?:\.\d+)+\s*)?
14. (?:Mobile/\w+\s*)?
15. (?:Safari/\d+(?:\.\d+)*.*)?$
line 1. UA strings may differ so this line is introduced for accepting UA strings as much as possible.
line 2. You can specify here the piped-separated list of accepted devices.
line 7. The version is indicated here. Change this line if you want a special version. Don't forget to update line 13 too. For instance, matching iOS 5.x.y use (?:OS\s*5_\d+_\d+\s*)?
line 8. Some user agent strings are translated. The word like
may be translated into a foreign language. The regexp now supports English
and French
. Adapt this line if you encounter other languages. Don't forget to update line 12 too.
line 12. See line 8.
line 13. See line 7. For instance, matching iOS 5.x.y use (?:Version/5\.\d+\.\d+)?\s*)?