I'm writing a linked list and I want a struct's destructor (a Node struct) to simply delete itself, and not have any side effects. I want my list's destructor to iteratively call the Node destructor on itself (storing the next node temporarily), like this:
//my list class has first and last pointers
//and my nodes each have a pointer to the previous and next
Node *temp = first();
while (temp->next() != NULL)
delete temp;
temp = temp->next();
So this would be my Node destructor:
delete this;
Is this acceptable, especially in this context?
If the Node destructor is being called, then it's already in the process of being deleted. So a delete doesn't make sense inside your Node destructor.
Also this is wrong:
while (temp->next() != NULL)
delete temp;
temp = temp->next();
Instead you should get temp->next() into a temp variable. Otherwise you are accessing deleted memory.
So more like this:
Node *temp = first();
while (temp != NULL)
Node *temp2 = temp->next();
delete temp;
temp = temp2;