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How can I find out which Language was used by Translator in ZF2?

In my ZF2 application I want to retrieve the language that was used to translate the page. I use the ZendSkeletonApplication as basis. In the Module.php I set the Locale like this:

public function onBootstrap($e){
  $translator = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('translator');

I can retrieve the locale and the fallbackLocale from the Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator, but then I still don't know which one was used for the translation. Since there is also no way (as far as I didn't found one) to find out which languages where actually loaded into the translator. I can't even test myself if a translation exists for the locale.

Maybe I'm missing something here. I hope someone can point that out.


  • I decided to take the most simple approach. I translate the text of the language too.